CDM : Project to set up rapid response activities in nutrition and wash for people affected by population displacement in the Mahagi health zone with the support of UNICEF

Since December 24, 2019, the security and humanitarian situation in the territory of Mahagi, Ituri province has experienced a worrying deterioration with the increase in attacks on localities by "assailants". These attacks are characterized by killings, looting of property, burning of houses and injuries to people. This situation has forced thousands of people to move out of their villages.

Thousands of people have moved to the still stable corners of Mahagi territory, including the localities or health areas of the Mahagi area. These include the health areas of Mahagi-Customs, Akonjkani, Alego, Mahagi-Etat, Wiri, Mungere, Mahagi-mission, Avere, Mahagi-Anglican, Parombo, Ambere, Tilal, Kabassa, Jupawisa, Ulyeko, Pono, Paicing-keno, Jupudera.

Following alerts on population movements in this part of Mahagi territory, a rapid assessment mission was carried out by humanitarian organizations ADRA, PPSSP and Caritas Mahagi.

The multisectoral rapid assessment report carried out in this health zone represents needs in all sectors: food security, AME, Shelter, Health and nutrition, wash, protection and education.

Some humanitarian actors are positioning themselves from June 2020 to provide responses in certain sectors. These are PAM and AAA in food safety, PPSSP in the AME / Wash sector, MEDAIR in the Health-Wash sector.

According to the assessment report carried out in the Mahagi health zone, several problems were noted in the wash sector. Among which the poor drinking water coverage (unfinished water point) in the host villages; Insufficient hygienic latrines in host villages, absence of handwashing devices in host families, low coverage of garbage holes in host households and collective centers, prevalence of diarrhea in children under 5 years of age and nutrition cases.

With regard to this table of humanitarian needs, that the CDM plan the installation of two mechanical boreholes below in two health areas of the health zone of Mahagi (Mahagi-Mission and Akonjkani) in the province of Ituri in DRC.
Ir. Faustin MUNGUTSI

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